Underwater acoustic recorders

Underwater acoustic recorders

RESEA 4-Input acoustic recorder

Versatile multi-hydrophone recorder, easy to use with high level of performances.

  • 4 synchronized hydrophone inputs
  • Broadband: 3 Hz to 1000 kHz
  • Below seastate zero measurements
  • > 100 dB dynamic range and +/-0.2 dB calibration
  • Multiple operation modes – drift, towed, autonomous
  • Simple configuration accessible by web interface
  • Additional sensors – GPS, temperature, pressure

SYLENCE-LP Low-Power Acoustic Recorder

Very low-power autonomous underwater acoustic recorder. The most compact and cost effective underwater noise recording autonomous system.

  • Single hydrophone input fixed or loose
  • Up to 256 kHz
  • Up to 512 kS/s sampling rate
  • 180 days autonomy
  • Up to 2 TB on 4 SD Cards

Vertical Line Array VERTHY

VERTHY is a ship acoustic signature measurement system. Easy-to-handle and to deploy, VERTHY allows rapid underwater acoustic acquisition.

•Multichannel: up to 16 inputs

•Broadband: 1Hz to 10 kHz

•Wide dynamic: 32 bits recording

•Light weight acquisition system

•Easy to use: Embedded web application

TR-SDA14 suitcase recorder

TR-SDA14 is a suitcase recorder able to acquire up to 4 wideband hydrophones simultaneously. It accepts both passive and pre-amplified active hydrophones.

  • Emission
  • Reception
  • Quick deployment
  • Easy to use and collect dat

EA-SDA software suite

RTsys offers a full software and tools suite for acousticians and nonacousticians to carry underwater noise analysis. It is compatible with all RTsys underwater listening systems :

  • RESEA (EA-SDA14)
  • REMHY (BA-SDA14)
  • RUBHY (RB-SDA14)
  • TR-SDA14

Hydrophone sensors

RTsys proposes a wide range of hydrophone sensors compatible with their systems. RTsys can advise you to select the best hydrophone configaration adapted to your need.

  • Broadband hydrophones sensors
  • Low sensitive passive hydrophones
  • Below seastate zero hydrophones

Tripod – Multi hydrophone structure

Seabed hydrophone structure for EA-SDA14 and 4 hydrophones that can be used for trajectory measurements.

  • Adapted to all type of hydrophone
  • Short & long term deployments
  • Light & easy to deploy
  • Variable sizes and hydrophone distances
  • 0800-123456 (24/7 Support Line)
  • info@example.com
  • 6701 Democracy Blvd, Suite 300, USA